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If you had two eggs, one fresh and one cooked, which eggs ar [复制链接]

Spinning reveals the difference. Take a raw egg and a hard-cooked egg, spin each egg rapidly for a while, then stop it abruptly. When you let go, the raw egg will slowly start to move by itself. The hard-cooked egg will stay put. Because the components in a raw egg are different densities, the egg tends to wobble reluctantly rather than spin quickly like the hard-cooked egg. And when the egg is stopped, the fluid inside continues to rotate. The hard-cooked egg with its solid components is able to come to an abrupt stop.
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If the conditions of your ideas are without provention ,that is to say spinning egg is  on the smoth surface, and the quantition of two eggs is equal, I think the time for stopping spinning is not different!

Do you think so?


it is fun, it relate with physics. not easy to understand.
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