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Where are the vitamins and minerals located in the egg? [复制链接]

The yolk or yellow portion of the egg contains a higher proportion of the egg's vitamins and minerals than the white. The yolk contains all of the egg's vitamins A, D, and E. It is important to point out that Vitmamin D occurs naturally in th3e egg yolk since it is not found in many foods. The yolk also has more phosphorus, folate, manganese, thiamin, iron, iodine, copper and calcium than the white. And zinc is found entirely in the yolk. The yolk also contains al of the egg's fat and cholesterol, and 44% of the protein.

The egg white, also called albumen, is made up of more than half of the egg's total protein. More than half oif the egg's riboflavin and niacin are found in the egg white. Chlorine, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfur are also found primarily in the white.

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