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关于FDA 对水产品重量的要求大家来谈下看法 [复制链接]


昨天在大街上又看到奶茶,想起了FDA 要求产品重量必须是净重 冰衣不算重量。 个人感觉这是保护消费者较好的方法。中国的食品监督什么时候也能够把那些对人体有害的添加剂早早给禁掉 哎

News Summary: February 23, 2009

Today's Main Stories: FDA warns seafood industry that short weight is a felony

The FDA took steps on Friday to warn the seafood industry that short weight on a product obtained by including glaze in stated weights is a felony. The agency prominently re-issued its 1991 guidance letter that makes the same point. Although false labeling is illegal under the food, drug and cosmetic act, the felony criminal charge comes from Ôintent to defraud'. This is how the FDA interprets short weight - as fraud, not as simple mislabeling. Because it is fraud, it is not just a problem for the manufacturer, but the criminal liability continues with all parties that knowingly perpetuate the fraud. NFI's Better Seafood Bureau - whose members pledge to only sell 100% net weight products - applauded this new emphasis by FDA. All members of the U.S. national fisheries institute are members of the Better Seafood Bureau.

Many in the industry are urging the government to more vigorously prosecute those companies that engage in this fraud.

In other news, Trident's chum salmon was the big winner at the Symphony of Seafood contest in Anchorage over the weekend. The contest also allows smaller companies to feature products, and the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, the sponsor, arranges for these companies to have booth space at the Boston Seafood Show to give their products wider exposure.

We revisit the issue of council appointments in Alaska in an editorial, and look at the need for the councils to maintain the trust of user groups by contrasting what is happening in Alaska and New England. Our previous characterization of the fight over N. Pacific council appointments as a battle between Alaska and Seattle was not really accurate, and we wanted write more clearly about the issues we feel are at stake.

In Gloucester, NMFS enforcement actions are called a "war" on fishermen, and also Jim Balsiger, head of NMFS, has not indicated to New England congressmen whether NMFS will be at all flexible with the current 2009 fishing rules. The 120 day shut down of the Gloucester auction will also have an impact on landings, say fishermen.

Dave Burney, former head of the US Tuna foundation for 25 years, has passed away. NFI's John Connelly has issued a statement.

In Southern California, the economic downturn is hitting retailers, with Albertsons, Von's and Ralph's all announcing store closings or layoffs.

Finally URI has stepped into the seafood guide arena, with Prof. Cathy Roheim putting together a resource for buyers who want to compare, or better understand, the competing seafood buying guides. Roheim hopes to encourage buyers to go deeper into the issue than a simple green or red, yes or no, mark.

John Sackton, Editor And Publisher , Lexington, Massachusetts News 1-781-861-1441 Don't le
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现在所有货都停了 ,各地商检据说都在开会。。。

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