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Prewarning--海啸过后的预测 (本帖可能会引起恐慌) [复制链接]

The Tsunami happened in SW countries of China was predicted by the Chinese traditional farmer prediction system accurately. It also tell there is another one in NE countries of China (Japan and Korea) in 2005. Which is being confirmed by the geographical scientist already. So, don't plan your trip to Korea or Japan in 2005. One more thing, I guess you may heard about the "White Dragon King" in Thailand, right? Michael's friend went to Thailand and visit him before 26 Dec. The White Dragon King asked her to leave Thai immediately as there is a disaster coming. So she left and escape from the disaster. However, he also asked her not to go outside and stay at home in HK on 8 Feb (Year 30th) after 9:00 pm.  He said something bad will happen in HK at that period. Inform your families or friends if possible. 2005年不要去韩国,日本. 2005年2月8日不要留
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Really? What's the White Dragon King? Is he a predictor? Maybe just a rumor and I will be ready to conform the words you pasted.

Whatever, it's a good article, but a little scared.


Thanks for your warning!

I hope it is true, I hope a more serious Tsunami will happen in Japan, which can have that country disappeared from our earth. I really hope!


It seemed nobody agree with me.  How depressed I am!

Japanese, get out!


Maybe a disater is helpful to a country. It can help people work together. It can make people feel like one family.  Man owed the earth too much and should answer to everything we have done. Even there is no disater from Nature,  we people also destory our earth and kill ourselves.  For example, Americans don not want the earth peace. So I say we need this disaters!We need Ladeng!


以下是引用goodluck99在2005-1-21 13:56:00的发言:

Maybe a disater is helpful to a country. It can help people work together. It can make people feel like one family.  Man owed the earth too much and should answer to everything we have done. Even there is no disater from Nature,  we people also destory our earth and kill ourselves.  For example, Americans don not want the earth peace. So I say we need this disaters!We need Ladeng!

woo! creative idea!
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