
瓜拉纳是 Paullina cupana 的种子。 Paullina cupana 是 一种生长在亚马逊雨林中的藤本植物 ,它的种子像豌豆大小,看起来像褐色的小石子, 带有淡淡的苦味 。干燥 并磨成粉 后,可以混在饮料中饮用。瓜拉纳被认为 具有抵抗肠疾病的医疗作用,它还可以使人体重新获得能量。 其主要成分是瓜拉纳因子, 化学成分等同于 咖啡因。 这就是为什么人在食用瓜拉纳后感觉有体力的原因。食品工业中,瓜拉纳主要被当作风味物质用于软饮料的生产。

Guarana Extract/FONT>
Guarana Extract is a small bean that grows predominantly in South America, especially in the Amazon jungle. Guarana Extract can be used to increase mental alertness, fight fatigue, increase stamina and physical endurance. It isn't readily water-soluble therefore the body doesn't quickly absorb it. The energy boost in Guarana Extract isn't like the one found in caffeine, which is an instant effect and rapid drop off. Guarana Extract is released much mores slowly than caffeine.
