
提供大量国外知名市场调查研究公司编写的市场调查报告(Business Insights司提供,原价为1900美元)。报告涉及五个主要领域,分别为:健康产业、消费品、能源、技术(主要为IT),以及金融等。全部报告为英文版,均为2002-2005年之间出版。可以提供翻译服务。有意者请联系 businessinsight@126.com  



Innovation in Functional Food and Drinks

Growth opportunities from new nutraceutical ingredients

Growth Opportunities in Convenience Food and Drinks

Future trends and innovation strategies

《Future Health Trends in Food and Drinks》

Growth opportunities in daily dosing, GI, heart health, right fats and phood

Gender Marketing Strategies in Foodand Drinks

Future profit opportunities, best practice innovation and NPD

Innovation in the USA

New product launches, key trends and leading companies in FMCG for 2005

The Juice Market Outlook to 2008

NPD strategies and new growth opportunities from health

《The US Diet Market Outlook To 2008》

Future profit opportunities for low carb and other fast growth diets

《Chocolate Confectionery Industry Insights》

Future profit opportunities and growth indicators

Sugar Confectionery, Gum & Bubblegum Industry Insights

Future profit opportunities and growth indicators

《The Personal Beauty Care Market Outlook》

NPD and consumer trends in haircare and skincare


2004 - The year of the low carb diet. What next for the industry?

New Profit Opportunities in Health and Nutrition to 2009

Changing consumer concerns and market influencers in food and drinks

New Profit Opportunities in Dairy to 2008

Industry insights and NPD trends

Kids and Health

Obesity issues and ethical food and drinks marketing to children under 16 years old

《Winning Brand Strategies in Food and Drink》

Increasing dominance, product appeal and market share

The Top 10 Global Leaders In Food

Increasing market share, revenues and NPD success

New Profit Opportunities in “At-Home” Eating and Drinking

Targeting The Individual

Understanding consumer needs, drivers and marketing opportunities to 2010

Marketing Food And Drinks To Kids

Effective marketing and innovation strategies to 2007

New Product Development Strategies In Food To 2007

Future innovations and opportunities

Future Lunch Solutions Volumes 1 & 2

Consumer behaviour, demographic analysis market drivers. Lifestyle, health and product development

Growth Strategies In Packaging Food And Drink To 2007

Identifying the key market sectors

Nutraceuticals - Consumer targeting by age profile

Nutraceuticals - Targeting Consumers Aged 35+

Nutraceuticals - Targeting Consumers Aged 14 –34

Youth Marketing in Cosmetics and Toiletries

Targeting the Single Female Consumer

Seasonal Profits

Managing the Marketing Cycle