


发新话题 回复该主题

自集外贸英语相关资料 [复制链接]


accept order 接受订货                 account 帐户
after service 售后服务                amendment 修正
annual sales 年销售额                 at sight 见票即付
balance 余额                          bank draft 汇票
bargain goods 廉价品                  batch 批次
bid 出价                              bid sales 投标买卖
bill of landing 提单                  bills receivable 应收票据
brand 品牌                            bulk cargo 散装货
business transaction 商业交易         buyer 买方
carbon copy 打字副本                  cargo collection 揽货
carton 纸箱                           cash in advance 预付现金
catalogue 型录                        cheque 支票
CLF 运费保险费在内价格                claim 索赔
clearance goods 清仓品                commision 佣金
commission 批发商                     complain 抱怨
container 货柜                        correspondence bank 往来银行
cost 成本                             cost and freight; C&F 含运费价格
custom broker 报关行                  customer 客户
D/A 承兑交单                          D/P 付款交单
deferred payment 分期付款             deferred shipment 分期装运
delivery on spot 当场交货             delivery time 交期
delivery order 交货单                 discount 折扣
discount on draft 贴现                documentary draft 跟单汇票
down payment 订金                     enclosure 附件
endorsement 背书                       enquire 询问
exhibition 展览会                       export 出口
factory visit 工厂参观                    favourable price 合宜价格
foreign exchange 外汇                    free on board 船上交货价
idea price 希望价格                      import 进口
Japanese Industrial 日本工业规格          invoice 发票
L/C 信用证                            margin 利润
market 市价                            net weight 净重
no payment 拒绝付款                    odd item 零头
offer 报价                             open account 交互计算
order 订单                             over looked 疏漏
packing 包装                           pamphlet 小册子
partial shipment 分批装船                patent 专利
paying price 合算价格                   payment method 付款方式
port of destination 目地港                port of trans-shipment 转口港
price 价格                             price decending 减价
price rising 涨价                        procurement 采办
prompt delivery 即时交货                purchase 购入
purchasing agent 采购代理商             quotation 报价单
rebate 回扣                            reference 查询
remittance 汇款                        repeat order 追加订货
request letter 请求函                    rumor 风评
second hand goods 二手货               shipper 货主
shipping 装船                         shipping mark 麦头
shipment 出货                         sold out 卖完
sole agent 总代理商                    special discount 特别折扣
specification 规格                      sample order 指样订货
standing 信用情形                      storage charge 仓租
subcontract 外包                        subject to final confirmation 有待确认之报价
supplier 供应商                         T/T 电汇
tie-in sale 搭售                          trade fair 商展会
trans-shipment 转运                      transferred 已转运
wharf 码头

aberration 色差                   atomization ?化
bank mark ?料纹                   bite 咬入
blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵)        blacking scab 涂料疤
blister 起泡                      blooming 起霜
blow hole 破孔                    blushing 泛白
body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹             breaking-in 冒口带肉
bubble 膜泡                       burn mark 糊斑
burr 毛边                         camber 翘曲
cell 气泡                         center buckle 表面中部波皱
check 细裂痕                      checking 龟裂
chipping 修整表面缺陷             clamp-off 铸件凹痕
collapse 塌陷                    color mottle 色斑
corrosion 腐蚀                   crack 裂痕
crazing 碎裂                     crazing 龟裂
deformation 变形                 edge 切边碎片
edge crack 裂边                  fading 退色
filler speak 填充料斑            fissure 裂纹
flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱          flaw 刮伤
flow mark 流痕                   galling 毛边
glazing 光滑                     gloss 光泽
grease pits 污斑                 grinding defect 磨痕
haircrack 发裂                   haze 雾度
incrustation 水锈                indentation 压痕
internal porosity 内部气孔       mismatch 偏模
mottle 斑点                      necking 缩颈
nick 割痕                        orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷
overflow 溢流                    peeling 剥离
pit 坑                           pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀
plate mark 模板印痕              pock 麻点
pock mark 痘斑                   resin streak 树脂流纹
resin wear 树脂脱落              riding 凹陷
sagging 松垂                     saponification 皂化
scar 疤痕                        scrap 废料
scrap jam 废料阻塞               scratch 刮伤/划痕
scuffing 深冲表面划伤            seam 裂痕
shock line 模口挤痕              short shot 充填不足
shrinkage pool 凹孔              sink mark 凹痕
skin inclusion 表皮折叠          straightening 矫直
streak 条状痕                    surface check 表面裂痕
surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折  surging 波动
sweat out 冒汗                     torsion 扭曲
warpage 翘曲                       waviness 波痕
webbing 熔塌                       weld mark 焊痕
whitening 白化                     wrinkle 皱纹 
landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具   burnishing die 挤光模
landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具
button die 镶入式圆形凹模            loading shoe mold 料套式模具
center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具     loose detail mold 活零件模具
chill mold 冷硬用铸模                loose mold 活动式模具
clod hobbing 冷挤压制模              louvering die 百叶窗冲切模
composite dies 复合模具              manifold die 分歧管模具
counter punch 反凸模                 modular mold 组合式模具
double stack mold 双层模具           multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具
electroformed mold 电铸成形模        multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具
expander die 扩径模                  offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具
extrusion die 挤出模                 palletizing die 叠层模
family mold 反套制品模具             plaster mold 石膏模
blank through dies 漏件式落料模      porous mold 通气性模具
duplicated cavity plate             复板模 positive mold 全压式模具
fantail die 扇尾形模具               pressure die 压紧模
fishtail die 鱼尾形模具              profile die 轮廓模
flash mold 溢料式模具                progressive die 顺序模
gypsum mold 石膏铸模                 protable mold 手提式模具
hot-runner mold 热流道模具           prototype mold 雏形试验模具
ingot mold 钢锭模                    punching die 落料模
lancing die 切口模                   raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形
re-entrant mold 倒角式模具           sectional die 拼合模
runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具  sectional die 对合模具
segment mold 组合模                    semi-positive mold 半全压式模具
shaper 定型模套                        single cavity mold 单腔模具
solid forging die 整体锻模             split forging die 拼合锻模
split mold 双并式模具                  sprueless mold 无注道残料模具
squeezing die 挤压模                   stretch form die 拉伸成形模
sweeping mold 平刮铸模                 swing die 振动模具
three plates mold 三片式模具           trimming die 切边模
unit mold 单元式模具                   universal mold 通用模具
unscrewing mold 退扣式模具             yoke type die 轭型模  

发新话题 回复该主题